Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome to my Blog

Hello and welcome!

This is my space on the web to keep track of my life and my progress on the Live Life Healthier programme powered by Juice Plus. I'll be posting information about this on a regular basis but in the meantime, have a look at my Juice Plus webpage!

If you haven't been referred here by me personally then I'll quickly introduce myself! I'm a stay-at-home mother to a very active one year old boy called Flynn, and planning my wedding to my fiance Craig. We're getting married in just over a year! I work Juice Plus around my life, working with some of my best friends and going to events. I have a degree in Sport & Exercise Development and attended modules in business and nutrition so this is my dream job! I can safely say I'm very happy with my life right now!

Keep checking back for updates: I'm excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you!

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